Monday, August 3, 2009

Spring Break in Yunnan, Pitzer-style

For our Spring Break of sorts, Pitzer took us to Yunnan for a week-long whirlygig tour that exhausted us completely. We spent two days in Kunming - one on each end - but not any nights, because the first night we took a train to Dali (which is 7 hours by train or 4 by bus!) and the second night we flew back to Beijing.

We spent two days in Dali, two in Lijiang I think, and perhaps two in Zhongdian? There were beautiful bus rides in between the cities, and ridiculous tour guides - you've all probably heard the stories, and I've told them so many times that they're too trite to write down now - and then Lucie got horribly sick in Zhongdian (also known as Shangri-La, but clearly not deserving of the title) from undercooked baby yak and unwashed strawberries, and experienced the glory of the innards of a smoky Zhongdian hospital and then the comfort of a dawn plane back to Kunming and then Beijing.

We visited a monastery in Dali, a school in Lijiang (and taught English there), and gently strolled along boardwalks in a beautiful mountain preserve in Zhongdian. There was waterfall scrambling and guo qiao mi xian and way too much shopping. And just beautiful China. My love.

So, here are pictures!

Mind the soup.

Met up with my summer language partner, Milan, who was still in town but about to graduate.

Train station in Kunming on the way to Dali.

Arriving in Dali.

"Handmade" pillow covers or whatever it is that they are.


Quantum sniffer, sniffing.

And my skanky Kunming friend still at her post, a year later.

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